Submitting Claims
How do I submit a claim?
If you need to submit a claim directly to us instead of through your veterinarian, there are two quick and easy options for you to choose from.
The fastest, easiest way to submit claims is through your online account (member portal)
- Log into your account (or easily create your account for the first time)
- Upload your pet’s itemised invoice.
- Tell us what happened.
- You’re all done!
You do not need a claim form using this method.
Click here to create your account

Once you have created you account the first time, you can simply log in each time to submit claims and also update your details, check the status of the claim and review the outcome letters.

- Download a claim form and fill it out.
- Take a picture of or scan the claim form and your itemised invoice from your pet’s visit.
- Email the claim form and invoice to [email protected].
For your pet’s first claim, we’ll reach out to your veterinarian to collect and review your pet’s medical records from your veterinarian.
What do I need to submit a claim?
In many cases, you don’t need anything! If your veterinarian submits your claim for you, you don’t need to do anything. If you need to submit a claim to us, we’ll only need two things:
- A completed claim form (unless submitting through your online member portal account)
- An itemised invoice from the claimed visit.
For your pet’s first claim, we’ll reach out to your veterinarian to collect and review your pet’s medical records from your veterinarian.
When should I submit a claim?
Submit a claim anytime your pet goes to the veterinarian when they’re sick or hurt. There are no penalties for submitting claims, so if you’re on the fence, go ahead and submit it.
Where can I get a claim form?
You can download a claim form here or give us a call on 1300 328 042 and we’ll send one to you.
Should I submit a claim if my bill is less than my excess?
Yes! Because your excess is applied to a condition for life, you should always file claims—even if the bill is less than your excess. While you’ll still be responsible for this bill, you’re closer to cover kicking in for any future costs for that condition. And once you fulfil your excess for a condition, you won’t have to pay it again for the rest of your pet’s life.
Plus, your monthly cost will never increase for filing claims. Punishing unlucky pets for using their insurance just doesn’t sound fair to us. After all, that’s why you have insurance in the first place.
Can I submit a claim from a pharmacy or online store?
Absolutely! To submit a claim for an online purchase, please submit your claim with a copy of your receipt.
If you submit a claim from a pharmacy, please send us the pharmacy stub. The pharmacy stub will include the cost of the prescription, name of the pet, name of the medication, and the date filled.
Claims Process
What happens after I submit a claim?
We’ve got it from here! We’ll send you an email within 2 business days letting you know we’ve opened your claim. If you haven’t received an email by then, give us a call!
If you submit multiple claims from different days, you’ll receive an email for each day of service (we’ll open separate claims for each day).
What information will I receive after a claim?
You’ll receive an email once we receive your claim to let you know what the next steps are. If this is your first claim we may well need to get additional information from your veterinary hospital.
Once we have made a decision and/or calculation for your claim you’ll receive a breakdown of the claim amounts and the reasons why any parts of the claim were excluded or denied. To learn more about how to interpret your claim letters, please see our “explaining claims calculations” webpage
Do I have to pay my bill with the hospital first and then send for reimbursement?
Most of the time your vet will submit your claim for you, so you only have to worry about your part of the bill. If you have to submit a claim for yourself, you’ll pay your bill and we’ll reimburse you.
Regardless of how your claim is submitted, you’re responsible for:
- Exam fees
- Any items not eligible for cover under your policy
- Your excess (if you haven’t met it yet) and you’ve chosen to have one
- Your 10% copay
What can I do if I disagree with the outcome of a claim?
If you feel your claim has been denied in error, an invoice item has been denied in error, or if your excess was applied incorrectly, you can appeal our decision. You have a couple of different options to do so:
- Bring a copy of the outcome email for the claim to your veterinarian, and ask them to write a letter on your behalf explaining why they feel the claim is eligible for cover. Once they write the letter and reference the claim number, they can email it to us at [email protected].
- Your veterinarian can call our Hospital Experience team on 1300 330 241.
- You may send in your own appeal form if you wish, but appeal letters written by your veterinarian may be more helpful. Your veterinarian can provide more medical detail about your pet’s condition that helps us re-review the claim.
Once we receive an appeal, it typically takes 2-3 weeks to review.
To download an appeal form and get more information, see our Appeals page
What if I have a policy with another insurance company?
No worries if your pet is also insured with another provider, you’ll just need to submit your claim to that provider first. After the other company reviews your claim and makes their decision on cover, send us the claim outcome letter as well as our claim form and your bill, and we’ll evaluate the remaining charges.
Disclaimer: All statements above are general in nature and intended to be educational. They are not intended to be used for individual approval. Each situation and claim will be reviewed on an individual basis. For the answer above, we assume that the pet and pet owner comply with our policy wording. Cover is based on our policy wording.
Terms and conditions apply. See the policy for complete details.